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It Ends With Us - Book Review

I picked up It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover because of the rage that everyone was in over it: Some of my friends said that it was one of the best books they’ve ever read or that it was their new favorite. I was on the book side of TikTok when I still had the app and my feed was filled with people talking about It Ends with Us. The day that I posted on my Instagram story that I was reading this book, my DMs were flooded by people saying that I was going to love it.

I flew through It Ends With Us pretty fast. It was a very easy read. The construction of the book made it easy to read about 5-6 chapters before bed each night. I was able to go from cover to cover in about nine days.

It Ends With Us is a fictional book, which I do not like to, and never, read. The book reminded me of why I did not like the genre. It was way too predictable and far too cheesy. The plot of It Ends with Us reminded me of a movie that my mom would watch on the Hallmark channel.

My roommate and I had a conversation on this book a few days ago, both of us agreeing that we’d be able to write a book just as good or better… in middle school. Middle school may be pushing it, but this book definitely reminded me of one I’d check out and read in my middle school library.

Some insight from my roommate that I completely agreed with on this book: It is getting all of this hype because of the horny teenagers that are reading it. There are quite a few sexual parts in this book that appears to be juvenile in most other senses. The frisky chapters in the book are riling up the readers, causing them to believe that this is the best book ever written.

A topic that was frequently discussed in the book that I honestly loved was her younger self's obsession and letter-writing to Ellen. So cute and so relatable because as a young teen, I too was obsessed with Ellen DeGenerous.

For individuals that enjoy reading fictional romance books, I can understand why there is such hype surrounding this novel. As for me, this may have not been my top pick simply because I would rather be reading something else closer to my personal interests.

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover is a book that I am upset to go against the grain on, but see great potential for people who enjoy these types of books to like it.

Cover photo from The Love of Dewey blog.

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